Park Ridge at Lee Creek POA
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Just a reminder to all homeowners, our covenants prohibit operating businesses out of homes, parking on the street for over an hour and operating motorized recreational vehicles through the neighborhood. Thank You in advance for being a good neightbor and abiding by our covenants.
DO NOT FEED THE DEER. Yes, they are beautiful and seem to grace our neighborhood BUT, they are eating our flowers/plants and they are suffering from something called Chronic Wasting Disease. Per Arkansas Game and Fish Department, putting food out for them is only allowed during hunting season and simply put, hunting is not allowed within the City Limits. If you have any questions, please contact Arkansas Game and Fish Comission at 833-345-0325 | 501-207-0326
Speed Limits: Please be aware of and note that the speed limit is now 25 MPH in the entire neighborhood. The POA Board requested that the City lower the old speed limit to the now 25 MPH. Many people had been observed by Van Buren Police Department, exceeding the speed limit by significant amounts. Please, be sure you and those within your family and visitors, are aware of the speed limit. We want to keep everyone safe.
There have been complaints about dogs continually barking and some running loose in the neighborhood. Please be a responsible pet owner and ensure your dogs are not out roaming on their own and that they are not being a nuisance to your neighbors by barking all day.
There is a City Ordinance regarding Dogs. Title 6, Chapter 6.04 where in it states that no dogs running at large, excessive barking past 8Pm - 7Am. No vicious dogs. Dogs must be leashed if outside of the residence. There are numerous other restrictions and penalties in place within that document so please review it. If you have an immediate or serious concern about a specific address or dog, please contact Van Buren City Code Enforcement.

There has developed a problem with our mail delivery. It "appears" some of our packages are being mis-delivered to addresses other than our own. If I read the Federal law correctly, its illegal for anyone to open mail that is not addressed to them, nor is it legal to keep mail that is not addressed to the person(s) who received it.

Obviously the responsible thing to do, if you receive any type of US Mail that isn't yours, two possiblities; 1) Deliver it yourself to the proper address or )2 return it to the USPS and inform them that you received it for someone else.

Never ever keep mail or packages that are not addressed to you.